Monday, September 19, 2011

Star Wars the Clone Wars Season 4 Premiere!

Last Friday, September 16th, SWTCW Season 4 premiered! It showed two episodes, Water War and Gungan Attack, and they were amazing! The animation has come so far on the show. To do underwater scenes as well as they did was quite the accomplishment! It really was an amazing premiere. Although it did leave you hanging at the end, so I'm already ready for the episode that comes out this Friday. The new bad guy, Riff Tamson was pretty cool! He didn't even have a blaster, he just used his powerful, shark-like teeth, to rip through the Mon Cala people and the Clones. It was pretty crazy! Anyways, I think that those episodes were a great way to start the Season, and I can't wait to see what's next! :D

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